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I Can Wait Forever

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 林志炫 / 瞬间永恒
When YoU saY I mIss the thIngs YoU do

I jUst want to get back close agaIn To You

BUt for now YoUr voIce Is near enoUgh

How I mIss YoU and I mIss YoUr love

And thoUgh all the daYs that pass me bY so s@R_616_3853@

All the emptIness Inside me f@R_616_3853@s

All aroUnd and there's no waY oUt

I'm jUst thInkIng so mUch of YoU

There was never anY doUbt

I can waIt Forever

If YoU saY YoU'll be there too

I can waIt Forever If YoU wIll

I know It's worth It all

To spend mY lIfe alone wIth YoU

When It looked as thoUgh mY lIfe was wrong

YoU took My Love and gave It somewhere to belong

I'll be here when hope Is oUt of sIght

I jUst wIsh that I was neXt To You tonIght

And thoUgh I'll be reachIng for YoU even thoUgh

YoU'll be somewhere else My Love wIll go

LIke a bIrd on It's waY back home

I coUld never let YoU go

And I jUst want YoU to know

I can waIt Forever

If YoU saY YoU'll be there too

I can waIt Forever If YoU wIll

I know It's worth It all

To spend mY lIfe alone wIth YoU
Where are YoU now

Alone wIth the thoUghts we share
Keep them strong somehow
And YoU know I'll alwaYs be there

I can waIt Forever

If YoU saY YoU'll be there too

I can waIt Forever If YoU wIll

I know It's worth It all
To spend mY lIfe alone

I can waIt Forever

If YoU saY YoU'll be there too

I can waIt Forever If YoU wIll

I can waIt Forever more

I can waIt Forever

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