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歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 林凡 / 都是他



LYrIcs:Sarah Mclachlan@H_239_1@

MUsIc:Sarah Mclachlan@H_239_1@


Spend all YoUr tIme waItIng for that second chance@H_239_1@

For a break that woUld make It OK@H_239_1@

There's alwaYs some Reasons to feel not good enoUgh@H_239_1@

And It's hard at the end of the daY@H_239_1@

I need some dIstractIon or a beaUtIfUl release@H_239_1@

Memories seep from mY veIns@H_239_1@

Let me be emptY and weIghtless@H_239_1@

And maYbe I'll fInd some peace tonIght@H_239_1@

*In the arms of the angel@H_239_1@

FlY awaY from here@H_239_1@

From thIs dark, cold hotel room@H_239_1@

And the endlessness that YoU fear@H_239_1@

YoU are pUlled from the wreckage of YoUr sIlent reverIe@H_239_1@

更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网@H_239_1@

YoU are In the arms of the angel@H_239_1@

MaY YoU fInd some comfort here@H_239_1@

So tIred of the straIght lIne@H_239_1@

And everYwhere YoU tUrn@H_239_1@

There're vUltUres and thIeves at YoUr back@H_239_1@

The storm keeps on twIstIng@H_239_1@

YoU keep on bUIldIng the lIes@H_239_1@

That YoU make Up for all that YoU lack@H_239_1@

It don't make no dIfference, escape one last tIme@H_239_1@

It's easIer to belIeve@H_239_1@

In thIs sweet madness, oh thIs glorIoUs sadness@H_239_1@

That brIngs me to mY knees ( * )@H_239_1@

YoU are In the arms of the angel@H_239_1@

MaY YoU fInd some comfort here@H_239_1@

