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Over The Rainbow

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 家家(纪家盈) / 我遇见你 2015“飞”演唱会还原现场全曲目LIVE

There's a land that I dreamed of

Once In a lUllabYe

Somewhere over the raInbow

SkIes are blUe

And The Dreams that YoU dare todream

ReallY do come trUe

Some daY I'll wIsh Upon a star and wake Up where the cLouds are far

BehInd me

Where laUghter @R_923_2955@s lIke lemon drops awaY above the chImneY tops

That's where YoU'll fInd me

Somewhere over the raInbow

BlUebIrds flY

BlUebIrds flY

Over the raInbow

WhY oh whY can't I

WhY oh whY can't I

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我遇见你 (2015家家“飞 Wind Beneath My Wings”演唱会主题曲)