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歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 黄霑 / 狮子山下 演唱会
MEMORY - 叶丽仪@H_923_0@ MIdnIght@H_923_0@ Not a soUnd from the pavement@H_923_0@ Has the moon lost her memorY@H_923_0@ She Is smIlIng alone@H_923_0@ In the lampLight the wIthered leaves collect at mY feet@H_923_0@ And the wInd beGins to moan@H_923_0@ MemorY@H_923_0@ All alone In the moonLight@H_923_0@ I can Smile of the old daYs@H_923_0@ LIfe was beaUtIfUl then@H_923_0@ I remember the tIme@H_923_0@ I knew what happIness was@H_923_0@ Let the memorY lIve agaIn@H_923_0@ DaYLight@H_923_0@ I mUst waIt for the sUnrIse@H_923_0@ I mUst thInk of a new lIfe@H_923_0@ And I mUstn't gIve In@H_923_0@ When the dawn comes tonIght wIll be a memorY too@H_923_0@ And a new daY wIll beGin@H_923_0@ BUrnt oUt ends of smokY daYs@H_923_0@ The stIll cold smell of mornIng@H_923_0@ A street lamp dIes another nIght Is over@H_923_0@ Another daY Is dawnIng@H_923_0@ ToUch me@H_923_0@ It's so easY to leave me@H_923_0@ All alone wIth the memorY@H_923_0@ Of mY daYs In the sUn@H_923_0@ If YoU toUch me YoU'll Understand what happIness Is@H_923_0@ Look the new daY has begUn@H_923_0@ MemorY@H_923_0@ All alone In the moonLight@H_923_0@ I can Smile of the old daYs@H_923_0@ LIfe was beaUtIfUl then@H_923_0@ I remember the tIme@H_923_0@ I knew what happIness was@H_923_0@ Let the memorY lIve agaIn

