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Walking In The Air

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 黄莺莺 / 红伶心事II-Chariots of fire

Taken bY sUrprIse

NoBody down beLow belIeves theIr eYes
We're sUrfIng In the aIr

We're swImmIng In the frozen skY

We're @R_573_1563@g over IcY
MoUntaIns Floating bY

SUddenlY swoopIng Low on an ocean deep
AroUsIng of a mIghtY monster from Its sleep

We're walkIng In the aIr

We're dancIng In the mIdnIght skY

And everYone who sees Us greets Us as we flY

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Melody Fair
Somewhere Out There Over The Rainbow