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Anything For You

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 黄小琥 / Over The Rainbow


AnYthIng For YoU@H_516_1@

LYrIcs:Jack Blades/KellY KeagY@H_516_1@

MUsIc:Jack Blades/KellY KeagY@H_516_1@

PromIses promIses@H_516_1@

Step @R_570_1955@ mY head@H_516_1@

ThIs Is the waY thIngs are done@H_516_1@

AroUnd here@H_516_1@

Wake Up wake Up@H_516_1@

Get Up oUt of bed@H_516_1@

I hear It's been a lIttle crowded In there@H_516_1@

Do YoU gIve a damn@H_516_1@

I Don't thInk YoU care@H_516_1@

All I hear YoU saYIng Is@H_516_1@

I woUld do anYthIng for YoU@H_516_1@

I wIll make sUre the skY Is blUe@H_516_1@

I woUld do anYthIng for YoU@H_516_1@

PraYIng on a weakness@H_516_1@

Make opportUnItIes coUnt@H_516_1@

And YoU In the bUsIness@H_516_1@

Of shootIng off YoUr moUth@H_516_1@

Let's have a drInk To Your health@H_516_1@

更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网@H_516_1@

Have a toast to happIness@H_516_1@

How 'boUt dInner on the coast@H_516_1@

I thInk I shoUld laUgh at thIs@H_516_1@

Do YoU gIve a damn@H_516_1@

I Don't thInk YoU care@H_516_1@

All those worthY promIses@H_516_1@

I woUld do anYthIng for YoU@H_516_1@

I wIll make sUre the skY Is blUe@H_516_1@

I woUld do anYthIng for YoU@H_516_1@

tIme after tIme@H_516_1@

LIfe can be UnUsUal@H_516_1@

DrIven bY fears@H_516_1@

I have to seem InvIncIble@H_516_1@

To everYdaY IllUsIons of oUr mInds@H_516_1@

I woUld do anYthIng for YoU@H_516_1@

I wIll make sUre the skY Is blUe@H_516_1@

I woUld do anYthIng for YoU@H_516_1@

I woUld do anYthIng for YoU@H_516_1@

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Love Me Tender