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When A Man Loves Women

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 黄小琥 / The Rose


When A Man Loves Women@H_239_1@

作词:CalvIn HoUston LewIs@H_239_1@

作曲:Andrew James WrIght@H_239_1@

When a man loves a woman@H_239_1@

Can't keep hIs mInd on nothIn' else@H_239_1@

He'd trade the world@H_239_1@

For a good thIng he's foUnd@H_239_1@

If she Is bad@H_239_1@

he can't see It@H_239_1@

She can do no wrong@H_239_1@

TUrn hIs back on hIs best frIend@H_239_1@

If he pUts her down@H_239_1@

When a man loves a woman@H_239_1@

Spend hIs verY last dIme@H_239_1@

TryIng to hold on to what he needs@H_239_1@

He'd gIve Up all hIs comforts@H_239_1@

And sleep oUt In the raIn@H_239_1@

If she saId that's the waY@H_239_1@

It oUght to be@H_239_1@

When a man loves a woman@H_239_1@

更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网@H_239_1@

I gIve YoU everYIng I've got(Yeah)@H_239_1@

TYrIng to hold on@H_239_1@

Too YoUr precIoUs love@H_239_1@

BabY @R_823_1989@ don't treat me bad@H_239_1@

When a man loves a woman@H_239_1@

Deep down In hIs soUl@H_239_1@

She can brIng hIm sUch mIserY@H_239_1@

If she Is PlayIng hIm for a fool@H_239_1@

He's the last one to know@H_239_1@

LoveIng eYes can never see@H_239_1@

Yes when a man loves a woman@H_239_1@

I know eXactlY how he Feels@H_239_1@

'CaUse babY@H_239_1@



I am a man@H_239_1@

When a man loves a woman@H_239_1@

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When You Say It's Over