- Overture + I Am Ready
- Jade Meets East(完舞曲+乱了情人+蜻蜓+剑尖碰上...
- 负担不起
- 无罪释放
- 考验
- 假使我漂亮
- 接受现实
- 转
- 踩钢线
- Lady Marmalade+I Feel The Earth Move+That...
- 优先订座
- 手下败将
- 你令我快乐过
- 同是寂寞人
- The Game of Love
- Can't Get You Out Of My Head
- White Flay
- Without You
- 我太强
- 放生
- 爱的告别式
- 腍
- 时刻
- Lost And Found
- 空心人
- 关家姐
- 发条橙
- Jade Sings 关心妍演唱...
- 挪亚方舟惊世启示2
- A New Beginning
- 妍亮 SHINE
- 最爱 jade i
- 得意妹
- Lost & Found
- Jade Loves...
- The 5Th Element
I Believe In Music
I belIeve In love, love, love!
Well I can jUst sIt aroUnd makIn' mUsIc all daY long,
Long as I'm makIn' mUsIc, I can't do noBody no wrong!
And who knows maYbe somedaY I'll come Up wIth a song,
That makes people want to stop theIr fUssIn' an' fIghtIn'
MUsIc Is love, love Is mUsIc, If YoU know what I mean,
People who belIeve In mUsIc are the happIest people I've ever seen!
So clap YoUr hands an' stomp YoUr feet, shake YoUr tamboUrIne,
( LIft YoUr voIces to the skY )God loves YoU when YoU sIng!
更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网
MUsIc Is the UnIversal langUage and love Is The Key,
To brotherhood an' peace an' UnderstandIn'to lIve In harmonY!
So, take YoUr brothers bY the hand and sIng along wIth me,
《I Believe In Music》歌词由查歌词收集整理
I Am Ready(Studio Version)