Lost And Found
Jade Sings 关心妍演唱...
A New Beginning
最爱 jade i
Lost & Found
Jade Loves...
The 5Th Element
Hope it is not too late
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 关心妍 / Jade-1
@H_232_0@关心妍@H_232_0@Hope It Is not too late@H_232_0@电影《爱情白面包》主题曲@H_232_0@作词:梁芷珊@H_232_0@作曲:梁伟坚@H_232_0@编曲:Ted Lo@H_232_0@监制:Tomson Lo@H_232_0@Know what YoU mean@H_232_0@When seeIng YoUr eYes speak from wIthIn@H_232_0@Whenever YoU look at me thIs waY@H_232_0@YoU're the one who alwaYs wIn@H_232_0@Know what YoU mean@H_232_0@There's somethIng that YoU want me to saY@H_232_0@And now that YoU've got no tIme to waIt@H_232_0@BUt I looked so hesItate@H_232_0@I'm OK@H_232_0@AlthoUgh It's dIffIcUlt to saY@H_232_0@It's OK@H_232_0@JUst wanna tell YoU In mY waY@H_232_0@I love YoU@H_232_0@Hope It's not too late to saY@H_232_0@And I promIse YoU todaY@H_232_0@Tomorrow and alwaYs@H_232_0@I wIll love YoU more than these three words can saY@H_232_0@I love YoU@H_232_0@Hope It's not too late to saY@H_232_0@And I promIse YoU todaY@H_232_0@Tomorrow and alwaYs@H_232_0@I wIll love YoU more than these three words can saY@H_232_0@Know what YoU mean@H_232_0@When seeIng YoUr eYes speak from wIthIn@H_232_0@Whenever YoU look at me thIs waY@H_232_0@YoU're the one who alwaYs wIn@H_232_0@更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网@H_232_0@Know what YoU mean@H_232_0@There's somethIng that YoU want me to saY@H_232_0@And now that YoU've got no tIme to waIt@H_232_0@BUt I looked so hesItate@H_232_0@I'm OK@H_232_0@AlthoUgh It's dIffIcUlt to saY@H_232_0@It's OK@H_232_0@JUst wanna tell YoU In mY waY@H_232_0@I love YoU@H_232_0@Hope It's not too late to saY@H_232_0@And I promIse YoU todaY@H_232_0@Tomorrow and alwaYs@H_232_0@I wIll love YoU more than these three words can saY@H_232_0@I love YoU@H_232_0@Hope It's not too late to saY@H_232_0@And I promIse YoU todaY@H_232_0@Tomorrow and alwaYs@H_232_0@I wIll love YoU more than these three words can saY@H_232_0@I love YoU@H_232_0@Hope It's not too late to saY@H_232_0@And I promIse YoU todaY@H_232_0@Tomorrow and alwaYs@H_232_0@I wIll love YoU more than these three words can saY@H_232_0@I love YoU@H_232_0@Hope It's not too late to saY@H_232_0@And I promIse YoU todaY@H_232_0@Tomorrow and alwaYs@H_232_0@I wIll love YoU more than these three words can saY
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