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A Wonderful Day

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 冯曦妤 / A Little Love

It's a wonderfUl daY

It's the tIme
celebrate a new daY

the bIrds wIll keep sIngIng on oUr waY
In mY eYes It's your Smile

YoU pUt me In lovIng paradIse
hold YoUr hands
celebrate a new daY

the bIrds wIll keep sIngIng on oUr waY
In mY eYes
It's your Smile

lIke raInbow In the skY
Come let Us folLow the sUn
come let Us sIng wIth joY
Come let Us share thIs moment
a frIend lIke YoU
gIve me wonderfUl daYs

It's a wonderfUl daY

It's a wonderfUl daY

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