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Lights Up

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 方大同 / 危险世界
WUtcha be lIke@H_169_0@ It’s a good lIfe @H_169_0@ In the lImeLight@H_169_0@ WIth YoUr heart of gold@H_169_0@ I coUld tell YoU boUt It@H_169_0@ Make YoU doUbt It or we coUld Try release YoUr mInd and YoUr soUl@H_169_0@ @H_169_0@ WUtcha feel lIke@H_169_0@ CatchIn’ spot Lights@H_169_0@ In the crowd lIfe@H_169_0@ PUt Ya on a show@H_169_0@ YoU be thInkIng boUt It@H_169_0@ CaUse YoU can’t let It go@H_169_0@ Oh babY@H_169_0@ @H_169_0@ If ever YoU can’t fIght the feelIng@H_169_0@ When the mUsIc Is rIght YoU’ll alwaYs be trUe@H_169_0@ So staY close to me I can show YoU gIrl@H_169_0@ BoUt all of the thIngs we can do@H_169_0@ @H_169_0@ I got what YoU want@H_169_0@ I got what YoU need@H_169_0@ JUst come oUt and see mY world@H_169_0@ @H_169_0@ GIrl we gotta go@H_169_0@ GIrl we gotta leave@H_169_0@ @H_169_0@ TUrn the Lights Up@H_169_0@ PUt YoUr shoes on@H_169_0@ Get YoUr groove on@H_169_0@ AIn't noBody stoppIng Us now@H_169_0@ Before the nIght’s Up@H_169_0@ PUt YoUr sUIt on@H_169_0@ Get YoUr move on@H_169_0@ Get on floor@H_169_0@ I saId…@H_169_0@ @H_169_0@ Lights Up@H_169_0@ No other place I’d rather be@H_169_0@ Lights Up@H_169_0@ Get awaY for a whIle gIrl@H_169_0@ Lights Up@H_169_0@ Leave YoUr worrIes and flY awaY@H_169_0@ @H_169_0@ Be the one who@H_169_0@ YoU coUld rUn to@H_169_0@ BoUt all the thIngs that@H_169_0@ Are oUt of YoUr control@H_169_0@ I coUld tell YoU boUt It@H_169_0@ BUt YoU alreadY know@H_169_0@ @H_169_0@ FolLow YoUr waY to The Stars@H_169_0@ Don't be afraId I'll be rIght where YoU are@H_169_0@ We can go on lIke thIs Forever, and thoUgh we're far apart@H_169_0@ I Don't care what the others saY@H_169_0@ We'll share another daY, babY@H_169_0@ I'm here to staY@H_169_0@ Show me the waY To Your heart@H_169_0@ @H_169_0@ OP: MUzIk OrIgIns CompanY Ltd. / BIg GaIn InternatIonal Ltd.@H_169_0@ SP: Warner/Chappell MUsIc, H.K. Ltd.

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