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歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 方大同 / 15 香港演唱会 2011
RosY@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ MUsIc & LYrIcs bY KhalIl Fong@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ @H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ How can I tell YoU now what YoU alreadY know@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ YoU are the one I reallY love@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ And when I saY YoUr stIll the one I'm thInkIng of@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ I mean that YoU're the Only one for me@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ @H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ RosY If YoU hear me @H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ Won't YoU dare come near me@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ I cross mY heart I've got a lot to earn@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ And RosY If YoU see me @H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ YoU had best belIeve me@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ Oh I got a love I have to gIve@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ ForgIve me beIng the one who saId goodbYe @H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ @H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ How can we go back to the waY It Used be@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ I dIdn't know It was trUe love@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ I was too blInd to see the angels from above@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ Now I realIze YoU're the one theY sent for me@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ @H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ RosY If YoU hear me @H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ Won't YoU dare come near me@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ I cross mY heart I've got a lot to earn@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ And RosY If YoU see me @H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ YoU had best belIeve me@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ Oh I got a love I have to gIve@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ ForgIve me beIng the one who saId goodbYe @H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ @H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ GIrl If I coUld tUrn back the tIme@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ StaY bY YoUr sIde @H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ Save YoU the paIn when I walked oUt that door@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ MaYbe I coUld pUt a Smile on YoUr face lIke before@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ It was wrong for me to denY bUt now oUr love has gone@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ LeavIng YoU then Is now leavIng me all alone@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ YoU know YoU have mY heart, jUst let me love YoU @H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ @H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ RosY If YoU hear me @H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ Won't YoU dare come near me@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ I broke YoUr heart for that I have to bUrn @H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ And RosY If YoU see me @H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ YoU had best belIeve me@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ Oh I've gotta love I've gotta learn@H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ ForgIve me beIng the one who saId goodbYe @H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ @H_@R_572_4325@2_0@ ForgIve me beIng the one to saY goodbYe

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