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Rap God

歌词来源专辑:欧美男歌手 / Eminem / The Marshall Mathers LP2
BUmpIng HeavY D and the BoYs stIll chUnkY bUt fUnkY
BUt In mY head there's somethIng
I can feel tUggIng and strUgglIng
Angels fIght wIth devIls here's what theY want from me
TheY a@R_457_2957@g me to elImInate some of the women hate
BUt If YoU take Into consIderatIon the bItter hatred that I had
Then YoU maY be a lIttle patIent and
More sYmphatetIc to the sItUatIon
And Understand the dIscrImatIon

BUt f**k It lIfe's handIng YoU lemons make lemonade then
BUt If I can't batter the women
How the f**k am I sUpposed to bake them a cake then
Don't Mistake It for Satan
It's a fatal Mistake If YoU thInk I need to be overseas
And take a vacatIon to trIp a broad
And make her Fall on her face and don't be a retard
Be a kIng ThInk not whY be a kIng when YoU can be a God

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