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Long Day's Journey Into Night (《地球最后...

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 窦靖童 / Long Day's Journey Into Night
I gUess I’ll keep waItIng waItIng waItIng for YoU now
Oh babY saY the words then we mUst coUnt to three
YoU know I keep waItIng waItIng waItIng for YoU now
Oh babY spInnIng don’t YoU spIn alone
YoU know I keep waItIng waItIng waItIng for YoU now
WaIt for one more tIme
Then the second tIme
Then the thIrd tIme
And agaIn
Dream for one more tIme
Then the second tIme
Then the thIrd tIme
And agaIn

《Long Day's Journey Into Night (《地球最后的夜晚》电影宣传曲)》歌词查歌词收集整理

A swim in the love that you give me