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Uptown Girl

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 陈奕迅 / 拉阔压轴
Uptown gIrl@H_572_0@ She's been lIvIng In her Uptown world@H_572_0@ I bet she's never had a backstreet gUY@H_572_0@ I bet her momma never told her whY@H_572_0@ @H_572_0@ I'm gonna Try for an Uptown gIrl@H_572_0@ She's been lIvIng In her whIte bread world@H_572_0@ As long as anYone Ith hot blood can@H_572_0@ And now she's lookIng for a downtown man@H_572_0@ That's what I am@H_572_0@ @H_572_0@ And when she knows@H_572_0@ What she wants from her tIme@H_572_0@ And when she wakes Up@H_572_0@ And makes Up her mInd@H_572_0@ @H_572_0@ She'll see I'm not so toUgh@H_572_0@ JUst becaUse@H_572_0@ I'm In love wIth an Uptown gIrl@H_572_0@ YoU know I've seen her In her Uptown world@H_572_0@ She's gettIng tIred of her hIgh class toYs@H_572_0@ And all her presents from her Uptown boYs@H_572_0@ She's got a choIce@H_572_0@ @H_572_0@ Uptown gIrl@H_572_0@ YoU know I can't afford to bUY her pearls@H_572_0@ BUt maYbe somedaY when mY shIp comes In@H_572_0@ She'll Understand what kInd of gUY I've been@H_572_0@ And then I'll wIn@H_572_0@ @H_572_0@ And when she's walkIng@H_572_0@ She's lookIng so fIne@H_572_0@ And when she's talkIng@H_572_0@ She'll saY that she's mIne@H_572_0@ @H_572_0@ She'll saY I'm not so toUgh@H_572_0@ JUst becaUse@H_572_0@ I'm In love wIth an Uptown gIrl@H_572_0@ She's been lIvIng In her whIte bread world@H_572_0@ As long as anYone wIth hot blood can@H_572_0@ And now she's lookIng for a downtown man@H_572_0@ That's what I am@H_572_0@ @H_572_0@ Uptown gIrl@H_572_0@ She's mY Uptown gIrl@H_572_0@ Uptown gIrl@H_572_0@ She's mY Uptown gIrl@H_572_0@ Uptown gIrl@H_572_0@ She's mY Uptown gIrl@H_572_0@ Uptown gIrl@H_572_0@ She's mY Uptown gIrl@H_572_0@ @H_572_0@ 林子祥《我爱你》原曲

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Somethin' Stupid