Wildf Lower Overture
Wild Flower
下雨天 (Feat. 恭硕良)
Earth Destruction
Stop Angry
相依为命: 20年精彩印...
Sing 十年纪念新歌精选...
Let Me Return The Favor
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 陈小春 /
Let Me RetUrn The Favor-Andrea MartIn
So manY tImes I've been let down
To the poInt where love made no soUnd
Then YoU came and love moved back In
Now It's mY tUrn to gIve back agaIn
I want YoU to know that
I'm here for YoU
When YoU need @R_41_1575@ too
CaUse YoU were alwaYs there for me
So let me retUrn the favor Please
So manY people wasted mY tIme
Too bad I coUldn't
See behInd theIr Smiles
Are YoU an angel In dIsgUIse
CaUse YoU made me realIze
YoU wIll alwaYs be mY best frIend
CaUse YoU gave me the
Strength to go on agaIn
I want YoU to know that
I'm here for YoU
When YoU need @R_41_1575@ too
CaUse YoU were alwaYs there for me
YoU were alwaYs there babY
So let me retUrn the favor Please
Let me let me babY
I owe It all (I owe It all)
To You (To You)
BabY love what can I Do
(What can I Do)
I owe It all (I owe It all)
To You (To You)
And I'll do anYthIng for YoU
I saId If lovIng YoU Is wrong
I Don't wanna be rIght
No not tonIght
Never wanna fIght
BabY Only YoU can make It rIght
Me saY fans them folLow me
BoYs them bother me
GIrls them watch me
KIds adore me
StIll I pUt God before me
Me saY ArIsta love me
NUmber one companY
BIg Up to me famIlY
CaUse Only YoU have spoIled me
I'm here for YoU
(Whenever YoU need @R_41_1575@)
When YoU need @R_41_1575@ too
(When YoU need)
AlwaYs there for me (alwaYs)
So let me retUrn the favor Please
(Let me let me)
I'm here for YoU
(Well YoU know YoU can fInd me)
Need @R_41_1575@ too
(I'll fIll YoUr everY need)
AlwaYs there for me
(I wIll be YoUr everYthIng)
So let me retUrn the favor Please
(I want YoU to know that)
I'm here for YoU
When YoU need @R_41_1575@ too
(When YoU need )
AlwaYs there for me
(Yeah oh Yeah)
So let me retUrn the favor Please
(I want YoU to know that)
I'm here for YoU
When YoU need @R_41_1575@ too
CaUse YoU were alwaYs there for me
So let me retUrn the favor Please
So manY tImes I've been let down
To the poInt where love made no soUnd
Then YoU came and love moved back In
Now It's mY tUrn to gIve back agaIn
I want YoU to know that
I'm here for YoU
When YoU need @R_41_1575@ too
CaUse YoU were alwaYs there for me
So let me retUrn the favor Please
So manY people wasted mY tIme
Too bad I coUldn't
See behInd theIr Smiles
Are YoU an angel In dIsgUIse
CaUse YoU made me realIze
YoU wIll alwaYs be mY best frIend
CaUse YoU gave me the
Strength to go on agaIn
I want YoU to know that
I'm here for YoU
When YoU need @R_41_1575@ too
CaUse YoU were alwaYs there for me
YoU were alwaYs there babY
So let me retUrn the favor Please
Let me let me babY
I owe It all (I owe It all)
To You (To You)
BabY love what can I Do
(What can I Do)
I owe It all (I owe It all)
To You (To You)
And I'll do anYthIng for YoU
I saId If lovIng YoU Is wrong
I Don't wanna be rIght
No not tonIght
Never wanna fIght
BabY Only YoU can make It rIght
Me saY fans them folLow me
BoYs them bother me
GIrls them watch me
KIds adore me
StIll I pUt God before me
Me saY ArIsta love me
NUmber one companY
BIg Up to me famIlY
CaUse Only YoU have spoIled me
I'm here for YoU
(Whenever YoU need @R_41_1575@)
When YoU need @R_41_1575@ too
(When YoU need)
AlwaYs there for me (alwaYs)
So let me retUrn the favor Please
(Let me let me)
I'm here for YoU
(Well YoU know YoU can fInd me)
Need @R_41_1575@ too
(I'll fIll YoUr everY need)
AlwaYs there for me
(I wIll be YoUr everYthIng)
So let me retUrn the favor Please
(I want YoU to know that)
I'm here for YoU
When YoU need @R_41_1575@ too
(When YoU need )
AlwaYs there for me
(Yeah oh Yeah)
So let me retUrn the favor Please
(I want YoU to know that)
I'm here for YoU
When YoU need @R_41_1575@ too
CaUse YoU were alwaYs there for me
So let me retUrn the favor Please
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