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歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 陈淑桦 / Hold Me Now
OUt of the wIndow@H_578_0@ ChasIn' the raInbow@H_578_0@ WIsh YoU coUld staY tonIght@H_578_0@ I can remember@H_578_0@ TImes when YoU told me@H_578_0@ Be patIent jUst waIt a whIle@H_578_0@ @H_578_0@ It happened so qUIcklY the neXt thIng I knew@H_578_0@ I foUnd @R_351_1575@ precIoUs@H_578_0@ Now I've pUt all hopes In YoU@H_578_0@ @H_578_0@ Closer, come closer@H_578_0@ StaY wIth me@H_578_0@ Closer Forever@H_578_0@ StaY, close to me@H_578_0@ @H_578_0@ I'll be YoUr shelter@H_578_0@ Ooh when the wInd bLows@H_578_0@ I'll rock YoU to sleep In mY arms@H_578_0@ The moment YoU toUched me@H_578_0@ I was In heaven@H_578_0@ I wanted to reach for The Stars@H_578_0@ It happened so qUIcklY@H_578_0@ The neXt thIng I knew@H_578_0@ We foUnd somethIng specIal@H_578_0@ @R_351_1575@ to hold on to@H_578_0@ @H_578_0@ Closer come closer@H_578_0@ Won't YoU staY, wIth me@H_578_0@ Closer Forever staY close to me@H_578_0@ @H_578_0@ DIstant voIces callIng oUt YoUr name@H_578_0@ BUt I'm the Only one YoU hear@H_578_0@ WhIspered promIses that we make@H_578_0@ A dream we know wIll never dIsappear@H_578_0@ @H_578_0@ Closer closer, won't YoU staY wIth me@H_578_0@ Closer closer Forever@H_578_0@ @H_578_0@ Closer come closer@H_578_0@ Won't YoU staY, staY wIth me@H_578_0@ Closer closer Forever@H_578_0@ StaY close to me@H_578_0@ @H_578_0@ Closer closer to me@H_578_0@ I wanna be closer@H_578_0@ In the evenIn' tIme babY@H_578_0@ RIght here rIght now


Love Song
Hold Me Now