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Let's Get Married

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 陈慧娴 / 今天的爱人是谁
let's get marrIed
曲/词:marIYa takeUchI

now let's get marrIed
no need to waIt and waste oUr tIme
whY do we have to carrY on thIs waY
no one can keep Us apart
so, let's get marrIed rIght awaY
I'll wake YoU Up In the mornIng, mY babY
sweeten YoUr coffee wIth mY kIss
and In the nIght I wIll hold YoU so tIghtlY
whIsperIn the words YoU long to hear
so, let's get marrIed
whY don't YoU askme and stop hesItstIng
jUst thInk how Happy we can be
YoU & me In a small hoUse wIth a dog
so, let's get marrIed rIght awaY
when YoU are blUe and so down, mY babY
I'll gIve a Smile to cheer YoU Up
bUt If I get sad and longlY
Please hUg me close and wIpe mY tears
so, let's get marrIed
I jUst don't know how to lIve wIthoUt YoU
maYbe It's nIce to have oUr kIds some daY
and thIs Is all I can saY
so, let's get marrIed rIght awaY
now let's get marrIed rIght awaY

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