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Greatest Love Of All

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 陈百强 / 至爱纪念集
I belIeve the chIldren are oUr fUtUre @H_166_0@ Teach them well and let them lead the waY@H_166_0@ Show them all the beaUtIes theY possess Inside@H_166_0@ GIve them a sense of prIde@H_166_0@ To make It easIer@H_166_0@ Let the chIldren's laUghter@H_166_0@ RemInd Us of how we Used to be@H_166_0@ EverYBody's searchIng for a hero@H_166_0@ People need @R_713_1575@ to look Up to@H_166_0@ I never foUnd anYone who fUlfIlled mY needs@H_166_0@ A lonelY place to lIve@H_166_0@ And so I learned to depend on me@H_166_0@ I decIded long ago@H_166_0@ Never to walk In anYone's shadow@H_166_0@ If I faIl@H_166_0@ If I sUcceed@H_166_0@ At least I lIve as I belIeve@H_166_0@ No matter what @H_166_0@ TheY take from me@H_166_0@ TheY can't take awaY mY dIgnItY@H_166_0@ BecaUse the greatest love of all@H_166_0@ Is happenIng to me@H_166_0@ I foUnd the greatest love of all @H_166_0@ Inside of me@H_166_0@ The greatest love of all@H_166_0@ Is easY to achIeve@H_166_0@ LearnIng to love YoUrself @H_166_0@ It Is the greatest love of all@H_166_0@ @H_166_0@ I belIeve the chIldren are oUr fUtUre @H_166_0@ Teach them well and let them lead the waY@H_166_0@ Show them all the beaUtIes theY possess Inside@H_166_0@ GIve them a sense of prIde@H_166_0@ To make It easIer@H_166_0@ Let the chIldren's laUghter@H_166_0@ RemInd Us of how we Used to be@H_166_0@ I decIded long ago@H_166_0@ Never to walk In anYone's shadow@H_166_0@ If I faIl@H_166_0@ If I sUcceed@H_166_0@ At least I lIve as I belIeve@H_166_0@ No matter what @H_166_0@ TheY take from me@H_166_0@ TheY can't take awaY mY dIgnItY@H_166_0@ BecaUse the greatest love of all @H_166_0@ Is happenIng to me@H_166_0@ I foUnd the greatest love of all @H_166_0@ Inside of me@H_166_0@ The greatest love of all@H_166_0@ Is easY to achIeve@H_166_0@ LearnIng to love YoUrself @H_166_0@ It Is the greatest love of all@H_166_0@ And If bY chance that specIal place@H_166_0@ That YoU've been @R_574_1518@ of@H_166_0@ Leads YoU to a lonelY place@H_166_0@ FInd YoUr strength In love

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