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Scarborough Fair

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 陈百强 / 91'陈百强 紫色个体演唱会
Are YoU goIn' to ScarboroUgh FaIr? ParsleY, sage, rosemarY, and thYme.@H_923_0@ Remember me to one who lIves there, she once was a trUe love of mIne.@H_923_0@ @H_923_0@ Tell her to make me a cambrIc shIrt (On the sIde of a hIll In the deep forest green).@H_923_0@ ParsleY, sage, rosemarY, and thYme (TracIng a sparrow on snow-crested groUnd).@H_923_0@ WIthoUt no seams nor needlework (Blankets and bedclothes the chIld of the moUntaIn).@H_923_0@ Then she'll be a trUe love of mIne (Sleeps Unaware of the clarIon call).@H_923_0@ @H_923_0@ Tell her to fInd me an acre of land (On the sIde of a hIll, a sprInklIng of leaves).@H_923_0@ ParsleY, sage, rosemarY, and thYme (Washes the grave wIth sIlverY tears).@H_923_0@ Between salt water and the sea strands (A Soldier cleans and polIshes a gUn).@H_923_0@ Then she'll be a trUe love of mIne.@H_923_0@ @H_923_0@ Tell her to reap It In a sIckle of leather (War belLows, blazIng In scarlet battalIons).@H_923_0@ ParsleY, sage, rosemarY, and thYme (Generals order theIr Soldiers to kIll).@H_923_0@ And gather It all In a bUnch of heather (And to fIght for a caUse theY've long ago forgotten).@H_923_0@ Then she'll be a trUe love of mIne.@H_923_0@ @H_923_0@ Are YoU goIng to ScarboroUgh FaIr? ParsleY, sage, rosemarY, and thYme.@H_923_0@ Remember me to one who lIves there, she once was a trUe love of mIne.

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