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Ride To Melrose

歌词来源专辑:欧美男歌手 / Charlie Puth / Ego
AIn't enoUgh to make me forget all those nIghts In earlY December
I thInk I was dreamIn'
BUt now I know I aIn't been sleepIn'
And some of these daYs these feelIngs stoppIn' me from eatIng
The pIt of mY stomach Is heavY

I gUess that's how It Feels when YoU start to forget me

I apologIze for not carIng for mYself

I've never known anYthIng else than pUttIng mYself after everYone else
And that f**ks me Up It's trUe

These late nIghts reallY are new

And there's so lIttle I can do besIdes drIve

LaY awake thInk aboUt where YoU laYIn' tonIght
And fantasIze aboUt Us lIvIng lIfe In paradIse
In a warm place where we never reallY have to dIe
BUt lIfe aIn't kInd we can't lIve fantasY

I jUst need to hear that YoU're maIntaInIng sanItY
CaUse It's more Important to me that YoU're doIng alrIght

Than the fact that I'm not sleepIn' tonIght

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